  • اخبار :
  • تیجه ای یافت نشد
  • اطلاعیه :
  • تیجه ای یافت نشد
  • خبری


    سایز متن


    Dr Sepehr Razi received his PhD from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran.

    He is an expert in Photonic technology and at present works as an assistant professor in Urmia University of Technology (UUT)

    Research interests:

    Nano Electronics
    Laser Technology
    Quantum Photonics
    Light Matter Interactions
    Photonic Crystal Technology


    Selected Publications:

    . Graphene based photonic crystals including anisotropic defect layers with highly tunable optical responses in infrared frequency range, Physica B: Condensed Matter ۵۹۷, ۴۱۲۳۸۰ (۲۰۲۰).
    . Tunable resonant Bragg photonic bandgap structures based on active quantum dot layers; crystals with applications in all-optical switches manufacturing, Waves in Random and Complex Media, ۱-۲۰ (۲۰۲۰).
    . The role of the femtosecond laser induced nano/micro structures on the optical features of the steel surface; experimental polarimetry study, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties ۸ (۲), ۰۲۵۰۲۴ (۲۰۲۰).
    . Angle-and polarization-dependent reflection and backscattering from FS-LIPSS covered stainless steel surfaces: experimental study, The European Physical Journal Plus ۱۳۵ (۴), ۳۸۷ (۲۰۲۰).
    . One-dimensional structure made of periodic slabs of SiO۲/InSb offering tunable wide band gap at terahertz frequency range, Chinese Physics B ۲۸ (۱۲), ۱۲۴۲۰۵ (۲۰۱۹).
    . Tunable graphene based one dimensional photonic crystal with applications in terahertz optical integrated circuits, Physica B: Condensed Matter ۵۶۶, ۷۷-۸۵ (۲۰۱۹).
    . Graphene based photonic crystal optical filter: Design and exploration of the tunability, Physics Letters A ۳۸۳ (۲۱), ۲۵۵۱-۲۵۶۰ (۲۰۱۹).
    . Tunable photonic crystal wavelength sampler with response in terahertz frequency range, Optical and Quantum Electronics ۵۱ (۴), ۱۰۴ (۲۰۱۹).
    . Terahertz tunable photonic crystal optical filter containing graphene and nonlinear electro-optic polymer, Laser Physics ۲۹ (۵), ۰۵۶۲۰۱ (۲۰۱۹).
    . Influence of gold nanolayer coating on the continuous-wave laser ablation of a pure aluminum surface: Evaluations of structural and optical features, Thin Solid Films ۶۷۲, ۱۲۶-۱۳۲ (۲۰۱۹).
    . Broad band temperature independent photonic crystal based optical filter with response in visible wavelength range, Laser Physics ۲۹ (۴), ۰۴۶۲۰۴ (۲۰۱۹).
    . Birth of periodic Micro/Nano structures on ۳۱۶L stainless steel surface following femtosecond laser irradiation; Single and multi-scanning study, J. Opt. Laser Tech., ۱۰۴, (۲۰۱۸)
    . Laser-assisted generation of periodic structures on a steel surface: A method for increasing micro hardness, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, ۱۳۳, No. ۴۹ (۲۰۱۸)
    . Single step laser-assisted graphene oxide reduction and nonlinear optical properties exploration via CW laser excitation, J. Elec. Mat., doi.org/۱۰.۱۰۰۷/s۱۱۶۶۴-۰۱۸-۶۱۳۳-۹ (۲۰۱۸)
    . Laser surface texturing of ۳۱۶L stainless steel in air and water: a method for increasing hydrophilicity via direct creation of micro structures, J. opt. laser Tech., ۸۰, (۲۰۱۶)
    . Laser processing of metallic biomaterials: An approach for surface patterning and wettability control, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, ۱۳۰, No. ۲۴۷ (۲۰۱۵)
    . Improving the hydrophilicity of metallic surfaces by nanosecond pulsed laser surface modification, Journal of laser applications, ۲۷, No. ۴, (۲۰۱۵)
    . Nanosecond Laser Surface Patterning of Bio-Grade ۳۱۶L Stainless Steel for Controlling its Wettability Characteristics, IJOP, ۹, No. ۱, Winter-Spring, (۲۰۱۵)
    . High performance III-N Quantum Dot infrared photodetector operating in room temperature, Optics Express, ۱۸,issue ۱۴, (۲۰۱۰)
    . Modelling of high temperature GaN Quantum Dot infrared photodetectors, IJOP, ۴, No. ۲, Summer-Fall (۲۰۱۰)
    . Cuboid GaN/AlGaN Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetector;Photoconductive Gain and capture probability, Opt. Int. J. Light and Elec. Opt., Optik, ۱۲۴, (۲۰۱۳)
    . Experimental investigation of the effect of laser treatment on the surface free energy of metals, ۲nd Int. Conf. New Front. in Phys. (ICNFP۲۰۱۴), ۹-۱۱ July ۲۰۱۴, Istanbul, Turkey.
    . Optical exploration of micro/nanoscale irregularities created on metallic surfaces by femtosecond laser irradiation, Opt. Measurements, ۱۰-۱۴ June, ۲۰۱۶ Munchen, Germany. 
    . Irradiation Dose Dependence of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on Metallic Targets, ۱۷th Int. Symp. Laser Precision Micro-fabrication (LPM), ۲۳-۲۷ May ۲۰۱۶. Xi’an, China