Urmia University of Technology- Field of Study

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Fields of study
In outlook, universitys’ students population will reach 10 thousands people with 10 faculties out of which 60 percent will belong to graduate students.
Now, the following courses are being held at the university and each year and on the basis of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) permission, new fields will be added to them.

Majors                                                                                    Fields
Physics                                                                                    Fundamental particles
Mechanical engineering                                                          Energy conversion

MS :
Industrial engineering                                                           Industrial
Information Technology engineering                                       IT & software
Physics                                                                               Solid state
Applied mathematics                                                            Applied mathematics
Mechanical engineering                                                         Energy conversion
Civil engineering                                                                   Structures

BS :
Majors                                                                                    Fields
Information Technology engineering                                         -------
Computer engineering                                                           Software
Mechanical engineering                                                          Solids, fluids and heat
Manufacturing technology engineering                                     Machine tools           

Industrial engineering                                                            Industrial production
Chemical engineering                                                            Petrochemical                   
Mining engineering                                                               Exploration
Electrical engineering                                                           Electronics      

Discontinuous BS
Majors                                                                                    Fields
Manufacturing technology engineering                                Machine tools, Molding                         

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