مشخصات فردی


Seyed Hamed Hoseini, Ph.D.

Address : Urmia University of Technology,

Band Road,  Oroumieh, Iran
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Email :

دفعات مشاهده: 13251 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 1113 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 21 بار   |   0 نظر



PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Applied mechanics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology (2012) .

M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Applied mechanics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology (2006) .

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (2004) .

Research Experience

Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, 2011.

 Research Interest

  • Fatigue & Fracture
  • Damage Mechanics  
  • Local and nonlocal Plasticity
  • Atomistic Modeling
  • Nonlinear PDEs & ODEs 

Industrial Experience

  • Mechanical Design Engineer, Iran Railway Co., 2005-2009



  • M. Heidary, S.H. Hoseini, Sh. faroughi, 2019, “Homogenization of Porous Shape Memory Alloys Using Monte Carlo Technique",  Modares Mechanical Engineering, (accepted).
  • S. Khalilpourazary, M. Zadshakoyan, S.H. Hoseini,  2019, “Fatrigue Life Improvement of Copper Processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing",  Experimental Technigues, (accepted).
  • H. Bahrami Ghalehjoogh, S.H. Hoseini, 2018, “Ductile Fracture Analysis of High-strength Steel Bars Using Micromechanical GTN Model",  Journal of Stress Analysis, 2(2), Pages 31-42.
  • T. Pirbodaghi, S.H. Hoseini, S. Akbari, 2016, “Vibration analysis of nonlinear systems modelled by a mass attached to a stretched elastic wire",  European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 25(4), Pages 329-338.
  • Sh. Faroughi, H. H. Khodaparast, M. I. Friswell, S. H. Hoseini, 2016, “A Shape Memory Alloy Rod Element Based on the Co-rotational Formulation for Nonlinear Static Analysis of Tensegrity Structures” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures , 28(1), pp. 1-12.
  • Sh. Faroughi, S. H. Hoseini, M. Bamdad, “Analysis of Tensegrity Structure Subjected to Dynamic Loading Using State  Space” Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 15, No 5, pp. 261-268, 2015
  • M. Naderi, S. H. Hoseini and M. M. Khonsari, 2013” Probabilistic Simulation of Fatigue Damage and Life Scatter of Metallic Components”, International Journal of Plasticity, 43, pp. 101-115.
  • Voyiadjis, G. Z., Hoseini, S. H., Farrahi, G. H., 2013. A plasticity model for metals with dependency on all the stress invariants. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 135 (1), 011002. 
  • Farrahi, G. H., Voyiadjis, G. Z., Hoseini, S. H., Hosseinian, E., 2012. Residual Stress Analysis of the Autofrettaged Thick-walled tube using Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 135, 021204-1. 
  • Farrahi, G. H., Voyiadjis, G. Z., Hoseini, S. H., E. Hosseinian, E., 2012. Residual stress analyses of re-autofrettaged thick-walled tubes. International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping, 98, pp. 57-64.
  • Voyiadjis, G. Z., Hoseini, S. H., Farrahi, G. H., 2012. Effects of the stress invariants and the reverse loading on the ductile fracture initiation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, pp. 1541–1556.
  • T. Pirbodaghi, S. H. Hoseini, “Nonlinear Free Vibration of A Symmetrically Conservative Two-Mass System with Cubic Nonlinearity”, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2010, 5(1),01106.
  • S.H. Hoseini, T. Pirbodaghi, M.T. Ahmadian, G.H. Farrahi, “On the large amplitude free vibrations of tapered beams: an analytical approach” Mechanic Research Communication, 36 (2009) 892–897.
  • T. Pirbodaghi, S.H. Hoseini, M.T. Ahmadian, G.H. Farrahi, “Duffing equations with cubic and quintic nonlinearities” Computer & Mathematic with Application, 57 (2009) 500–506.
  • S.H. Hoseini, T. Pirbodaghi, M. Asghari, G.H. Farrahi, M.T. Ahmadian “Nonlinear free vibration of conservative oscillators with inertia and static type cubic nonlinearities using homotopy analysis method” journal of Sound and Vibration, 316 (2008) 263–273. 


  • S. H. Hoseini, M. Aghamohammadpour, K. Khadem Vatani, “Assessment of the Rupture Prone of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Wall Using Rupture Potential Index” Conference on Novel Approaches of Biomedical Engineering in Cardiovascular Diseases, Tehran, Jan 2016.
  • Voyiadjis, G. Z., Hoseini, S. H., Farrahi, G. H., “A plasticity model for metals with dependency on all the stress invariants.” USFrance Workshop 2013, Aussois, France, 22-24 may.
  • M. Mohammadi, G. H. Farrahi, S. H. Hoseini “Material Removal Simulation of Aluminum Compound Tubes with Incorporating Real Unloading Behavior”, ASME-PVP_2007 Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  • M. Mohammadi, G. H. Farrahi, S. H. Hoseini “Bauschinger Effect Investigation of an Aluminium Alloy, and Its Application in Autofrettage and Compound Tubes”, ASME-PVP_2007 Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  • M. Mohammadi, G. H. Farrahi, S. H. Hoseini “Determination of Residual Stresses in Autofrettaged Compound Tubes for Different Geometries”, ASME-PVP_2007 Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  • S. H. Hoseini, G. H. Farrahi, M. Mohammadi, A. Assempour “Material emoval Simulation of Compound Autofrettahed Tubes” ISME 15th Conference, Tehran-Iran.
  • M. R. Farzanegan, A. Ohadi, S. H. Hoseini, “effect of the rim curvature on the train wheel-set operation” ISME 15th Conference, Tehran-Iran (in Persian).
  • D. Faraji, S. H. Hoseini, A. Ohadi, “impact simulation of the absorber elements with rigid obstacle” ISME 15th Conference, Tehran-Iran (in Persian).

دفعات مشاهده: 13364 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 1106 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 23 بار   |   0 نظر

کد پستی : 17165-57166

صندوق پستی : 419-57155

فکس : 04431980251

ارتباط مستقیم با ریاست :

ملاقات حضوری :دوشنبه ها 10 الی 12

ایمیل رئیس دانشگاه : po@uut.ac.ir

آدرس : آذربایجان غربی، ارومیه، ابتدای جاده بند، بالاتر از گلشهر 2

کانال اطلاع رسانی رسمی دانشگاه : @daneshgah_uut

پست الکترونیکی : info@uut.ac.ir

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