رزومه شخصی

Name: Rahim Dabbagh 
Address: Department of Industrial Engineering,
 Urmia University of Technology, Urmia, Iran.
Tel(Office): +98 44 31980312
Email: Rahim.DabbaghGmail.com,       R . Dabbaghuut.ac.ir
  1.  Educational Background
Ph.D., Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran, 2004-2088
  • Economical science (Money & Resource economy)
M. Sc., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 1991- 1994
  • Economical science
B.Sc., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 1986-1990
  • Economical science
  • Associate Professor of Urmia University of Technology (UUT), July. 2018 - Now.
  • Assistant Professor of Urmia University of Technology (UUT), 2010 – July.2018
  • Assistant Professor of Institute for Research & Planning in Higher Education (IRPHE), 1994 – July.2018
  • Researcher in Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Internal Trade Management, (Commerce Ministry).
  • Researcher in Deputy Minister of Commerce Planning, Center for Productivity Improvement (Commerce Ministry).
  • Researcher in Research Institute of Tarbiat Modares University, (Tarbiat Modares University).
  • Researcher in Rural Jihad Research Center, (Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade).
  • Nashravooran Press Agency - Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
  • Project Title: Investigating the Effective Components of Electrical Stolen and Manuals of Electrical Energy Measurements in West Azerbaijan Electricity Distribution Company and Practical Solutions to Counteracting It
  • Place: West Azerbaijan Power Distribution Company
  • Duration: 2018
  • Position: Implementing research project.
  • Project Title: Study of Leveling, Improvement and Improvement of Productivity in Rural Water and Wastewater Company of West Azerbaijan and compare it with some selected companies in the country.
  • Place: Rural water and wastewater company of West-Azerbaijan province
  • Duration: 2018
  • Position: Implementing research project.
  • Project Title: Strategies to Promote the Role of Standardization in Food Industry of West Azerbaijan Province in Realization of Resistance Economics
  • Place: Iranian National Standardization Organization. Central Bureau of Standardization, West Azerbaijan province
  • Duration: 2018.
  • Position: Implementing research project.
  • Project Title: Five-year Strategic Comprehensive Strategic Plan of the General Directorate of the West Azerbaijan Province with emphasis on outsourcing activities
  • Place: Iranian National Standardization Organization. Central Bureau of Standardization, West Azerbaijan province
  • Duration: 2017
  • Project Title: Business Plan for Pardis Urmia University of Technology
  • Place: Urmia University of Technology.
  • Duration: 2013-2014
  • Position: Implementing research project.
  • Project Title: Economic appraisal of West Azerbaijan Power Distribution Company projects
  • Place: West Azerbaijan Power Distribution Company
  • Duration: 2018
  • Position: Implementing research project.
  • Project Title: Strategic Plan for the Institute of Kamal Higher Education
  • Place: Institute of Kamal Higher Education
  • Duration: 2015
  • Position: Implementing research project
  • Project Title: Strategic Plan for the Urmia University of Technology (Student-cultural section)
  • Place: Urmia University of Technology.
  • Duration: 2013-2014
  • Position: Implementing research project.

 Codification of various national standards for National Iranian Standards Organization

  • Creation and development of job opportunities in production classes and technical services, (in Persian Language), Published by Commercial publishing.
  • Feasibility study of the guild database, (in Persian Language), Published by Commercial publishing.
  • Investigating the experiences of selected countries in improving the productivity of the commerce sector, (in Persian Language), Published by Commercial publishing.
Special Courses:
supply chain, ISO Standards Audit, Productivity & Efficiency, strategy Planning Land use planning,

Drafting a Strategic Plan for Regional Water Companies (Case Study: West Azerbaijan Regional Water Authority)
Dabbagh, R.  and janalipoor, S., 2019. Journal of Water & Wastewater Science and Engineering
Comparison of financial performance of Islamic and conventional banking in selected countries using the CAMEL model
R. Dabbagh, A. Bagri, H. Golmoradi, 2019. Quarterly Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking Studies
Increased competitive advantage Strategic planning of water and wastewater Authorities based on SWOT analysis and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (Urban Water and Wastewater Authority of West Azerbaijan)
r. dabbagh; K. alinejad, 2019, Strategic Management Researches,
Economic Modeling of Tourism System: A System Dynamic Approach
Case Study of Tabriz Metropolis and Azerbaijan Country.
R. Dabbagh, S. Khatami, 2018, Iranian Journal of Trade Studies Quarterly

Modeling the bidding approach and its application for the procurement of relief items
Maziar Khoshsirat; Rahim dabbagh; Ali Bozorgi-Amiri , Volume 22, Issue 87, Autumn 2018, Iranian Journal of Trade Studies Quarterly
A fuzzy data envelopment analysis based on credibility theory for estimating road safety,
M. Aminia, R. Dabbagh, H. Omrani, Decision Science Letters 8 (2019)
Evaluation of Water and Wastewater Company Performance by Using Balanced Scorecard Model (Case Study: West Azerbaijan Water and Wastewater Company)
R. Dabbagh; S. Ahmedi ,Journal of Water & Wastewater (WWJ), Volume 30, Issue 1, 2018
Surveying of the Factors affecting in the Productivity of Water and Wastewater industry by the Methods of Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) (Case: Rural Water and Wastewater Company of West Azerbaijan)
Khosro alinejad, Rahim Dabbagh, Journal Management System
EViews, GAMS, SPSS, Super Decision

دفعات مشاهده: 3505 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 1226 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار   |   0 نظر

کد پستی : 17165-57166

صندوق پستی : 419-57155

فکس : 04431980251

ارتباط مستقیم با ریاست :

ملاقات حضوری :دوشنبه ها 10 الی 12

ایمیل رئیس دانشگاه : po@uut.ac.ir

آدرس : آذربایجان غربی، ارومیه، ابتدای جاده بند، بالاتر از گلشهر 2

کانال اطلاع رسانی رسمی دانشگاه : @daneshgah_uut

پست الکترونیکی : info@uut.ac.ir

پیوندهای تصویری
copyright@2019.Urmia University of Technology